The REACH Sound-It-Out Phonetic Keyboard is an on-screen keyboard and word prediction program designed for use by individuals with upper extremity, learning, or severe physical disabilities. This program enables the user to type phonetically. This software enables the user to find and type the desired word by selecting the sounds in that word (e.g., the phonemes) rather than the letters in that word. For example, the user points at the “ch” key and it says “ch … chair” on the kid’s phonetic keyboard or “ch” on the adult’s keyboard. Select the “ch” key and the most frequently used words beginning with the “ch” sound are displayed in the word prediction windows. The individual can find out what those words are by pointing at them with the mouse to have them read aloud. Smart Phonemes (similar to AHF’s Smart Keys; see entry) removes those sounds that do not follow an initial “ch” sound for those words in the current phonetic dictionary. Select the “air” sound next, and words beginning with the “chair” sounds are listed. The word “chair” is the first listed and presented with a yellow background to let you know this word is now completed. Homophones are identified by color and brief phrases are added to help the user distinguish among them (e.g., new or knew). Manufacturer: Applied Human Factors Inc
Demonstration: Yes
Loan: Yes
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