The SoothSayer Word Prediction Program is a word prediction and abbreviation expansion software program designed for use by individuals with upper extremity or cognitive disabilities. Features include sentence completion; abbreviation expansion; a main dictionary of more than 11,000 words; a built-in speech augmentation dictionary; customizable user dictionaries switch a “Build Dictionary” feature (from a text file); word-usage learning and word tips options (words presented/spoken individually instead of in a list); horizontal or vertical window orientations; adjustable number of words displayed; adjustable font, size, and color; adjustable background color; a cursor tracking option; an automatic punctuation/capitalization option; speak last word, sentence, or highlighted text options; automatically speak letters, words, and sentences while typing options; an “Autotype” option; and an add last word to dictionary shortcut. The system also includes a “How Do I” help system and a user manual. The AHF dictionary file format enables new dictionaries to be shared. Manufacturer: Applied Human Factors Inc
Demonstration: Yes
Loan: limited to in house trial