On October 9, 2018, Lieutenant Governor Ray Tenorio signed a proclamation, declaring October, “National Disability Employment Awareness Month.” This year’s theme is, “America’s Workforce Empowering All.” Activities during the month will reinforce the values and talents people with disabilities add to the workplace. Two events will be hosted by the Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities and Pacific Human Resource Services Inc.: An Employer Conference and Community Fair on October 24 from 8am to 3:30pm at the Hotel Nikko Guam and an Applicant with Disabilities Conference Resource/Job Fair on October 27, 2018 from 8:00am to 3:30pm at the Tamuning Community Center. To culminate the month’s activities, an Appreciation Picnic is planned for November 3 at Ypao Beach from 11:00am at Pavilions F1-F3.