This educational software allows students to perform basic arithmetic operations directly on the computer just as they would using pencil and paperMathPad Plus: Fractions and Decimals offers the same functionality as MathPad -then adds an exciting array of new features! Students can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using fractions and decimals. Teachers can enter problems from worksheets or textbooks so students with learning disabilities can work on the same problems as their peers. Manufacturer: Synapse
Kurzweil 3000 ver. 11 Color Scan/Read Software
Kurzweil 3000 for Windows is an optical character recognition (OCR) and test program with voice output designed for use by individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. This OCR software scans documents and reads scanned or electronic text aloud using synthetic speech. Documents are shown on screen with words highlighted as they are spoken. This combined auditory and visual presentation of information helps increase reading accuracy, speed, and comprehension for struggling readers. This software can read documents in portable document file (.pdf), hypertext markup language (HTML), and DAISY digital talking book formats. It presents the original image, with color graphics, photographs, and columns intact, while reading the text aloud. Documents can also be opened, edited, and saved in Microsoft Word format. The program offers a suite of learning tools, including syllabification, pronounciation, text preview, thesaurus, phonetic spelling, and a dictionary. Manufacturer: Kurzweil Educational Systems, Inc., a Cambium Learning Technologies Company
Demonstration: No
Loan: Yes
Livescribe 4GB Echo Smartpen
The Echo smartpen from Livescribe records everything you hear, say and write, and links your audio recordings to your notes, so you can find what you need. Ideal for meetings, conferences, or classes. Replay your recorded audio anytime, anywhere, with a quick tap on your notes. Save and Search Using the Livescribe Desktop, you can save notes to your computer. Search for specific words or phrases within all of your notebooks, organize them they way you want, and export them locally for backup or transfer. Send and Share notes or recordings publically or privately as a PDF, audio file, or a pencast. A student can go back to a specific scribbled word in his notebook, touch the pen to that spot and hear a full recording of what the speaker was saying when the mark was made.Manufacturer: Livescribe
Demonstration: Yes
Loan: Yes
Overlay Maker
Overlay Maker transforms the IntelliKeys¨ keyboard into a curriculum access device, opening up a world that was previously closed to many students with special physical or cognitive needs. Overlay Maker allows users to create custom overlays in just minutes for individualized needs and greatly expands the capabilities of the basic keyboard.Manufacturer: Able Net Inc.
Reach Interface Author Software
The Reach Interface Author provides easier computer use for people who have difficulty using a standard keyboard. By using on-screen keyboards, characters, words, sentences, etc., are type by pointing and clicking on them with a pointer. Also, macro functions can be performed by clicking on keys. You can use a mouse or any other pointer that emulates a mouse . With the Scanning Keyboard options, you can type by using one or two switches.Manufacturer: Applied Human Factors Inc
The REACH Sound-It-Out Phonetic Keyboard is an on-screen keyboard and word prediction program designed for use by individuals with upper extremity, learning, or severe physical disabilities. This program enables the user to type phonetically. This software enables the user to find and type the desired word by selecting the sounds in that word (e.g., the phonemes) rather than the letters in that word. For example, the user points at the “ch” key and it says “ch … chair” on the kid’s phonetic keyboard or “ch” on the adult’s keyboard. Select the “ch” key and the most frequently used words beginning with the “ch” sound are displayed in the word prediction windows. The individual can find out what those words are by pointing at them with the mouse to have them read aloud. Smart Phonemes (similar to AHF’s Smart Keys; see entry) removes those sounds that do not follow an initial “ch” sound for those words in the current phonetic dictionary. Select the “air” sound next, and words beginning with the “chair” sounds are listed. The word “chair” is the first listed and presented with a yellow background to let you know this word is now completed. Homophones are identified by color and brief phrases are added to help the user distinguish among them (e.g., new or knew). Manufacturer: Applied Human Factors Inc
Demonstration: Yes
Loan: Yes